Sunday, July 29, 2007

Me? Outdoorsy?

What a fun Sunday afternoon I had today!

I was invited to brunch with my friend / neighbor "T," and his friend from San Diego, Trent. We went to a local "greasy spoon" and had your basic eggs, toast, etc. They were a bit hungover, which of course was entertaining to me, as I was feeling just dandy.

From there we went to a local reptile / fish store. This was a first for me... as I wouldn't think to visit such a store. I was right, there were many snakes there, mostly large snakes... and it's funamentally a problem for me to be near them, as they eat those animals that are near-and-dear to my heart. :/ The fish, however, were amazing, as were all the turtles, frogs, coral-type plants, crabs, snails, tadpoles, and more exotic creatures that live in water. There were also lizards, and I've decided I really like Bearded Dragons. I'd consider getting one, but they seem a bit fragile where their habitats are concerned.

After we got back home, "T" needed to take Draco for a walk, and decided it would be fun to take Trent down to Boulder Creek for the walk. I was invited along was deciding whether or not to go when Trent said, "What else to you have to do?!" Good point... so, I went. Another first for me... going to Boulder Creek. (The drive over was amusing on it's own... Trent driving "T's" truck, when he's not used to a standard transmission... me in the passenger's seat, and "T" in the jump seat giving directions. hahahaha "Park there, no no no... you can't park there... back up, go around that circle and park back there.") It was like being on our own little mini-road trip vacation, complete with lots of giggling.

OK, so I've lived in Boulder since 1978, yet I've never been up to the very West end of Pearl Street to a parking lot near a place called "Settlers Park." And I've never been on the bike path that crosses over Canyon Boulevard and Boulder Creek, over to what's called Eben G. Fine Park. It was a bit of a walk from where we parked (not at Settlers, it was full), but it was beautiful... the park was filled with all sorts of people doing everything from reading on blankets, to frisbee, to picinics. We then hiked west along the banks of the creek... for quite a bit it seemed... until we got to the upper part of the rocks / rapids where the water became more still, and you could wade there as people slowly floated by on their inner-tubes... to the next bunch of rocks / rapids.

We hung out there and waded around in VERY chilly water. Even Draco hung out in the water along with us, and he made friends with a little tiny MinPin that was adorable.

I have to admit, I had a blast hanging out up there. It was a lot of fun hanging out with "T" and Trent, the three of us people watching and talking, and getting Draco some exercise as well (along with myself). Maybe I will be fortunate enough to do this again sometime... maybe even alone with a book.

P.S. I even ate some sort of tiny apple (crabapple Trent said) off of a tree that was growing beside the bike path. I was afraid to eat it, as it was growing in the wild and all, but I did it anyway. One word... SOUR!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Lone Girlie

To continue with my updated furkids photos, here's little Izzy. Dizzy Izzy I most often call her. A friend of mine helped me rescue her from a less than ideal situation at PetCo, and a probably worse one had I not taken her home.

Izzy is special... she has a neurological problem which causes her neck to go up and back really far as she interacts with me (from the safety of her cage, which is where she's most comfortable), and when she's hanging out in her cage doing what ratties do. She also walks in circles most of the time, like a pattern, and she's not very steady on her feet. Other than those challenges, she's a perfectly happy and normal little girl rat. LOVES her dog biscuit treats, and her Total cereal. hehe She is one of the most gentle little ones I've had as well... never even a tasting nip.

Last night I started the process of introducing her to my neutered and very gentle boy rattie, Holden. They are both living alone and are lonely. (Rats are not meant to live their lives alone, they need at least one companion.) I have put this off because I've worried about her "problems," and how this would work with another rat... but, it's time to try. So, the three of us spent a half hour in the bathtub last night (neutral territory), with the two of them being introduced. It went so well that we will be proceeding with the process tonight. Since Izzy hasn't been with another rat since she was weened, she doesn't know how to reciprocate with grooming, but she sure loves to be groomed by Holden. He "power groomed" her at one point, and after a couple of small squeaks from her, she completely relaxed and her eyes closed. Wow! This from a rattie who only relaxes when she's sleeping, otherwise she's walking in circles and jerking her neck all around. Being around Holden also caused her (I don't know how / why) to walk in a straight line, from one end of the tub to the other, following him around! Wow again! She'd follow him and when he'd stop, she'd rest her head on his. The cutest thing!

OK, so I'm very excited about all this, and very happy that it seems they enjoy each other's company and should be able to move-in together within the week or so. I still have to supervise playtimes for now and make sure he is gentle with her (he's 2x her size), and that there's no aggression shown from one to the other.

Anyway... here's updated Izzy!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my 40th birthday, and honestly, I'm having a difficult time with it. I keep hearing from women... and the occasional man... (both that I know and don't know who are over 40), that this will be the best time in my life. Hrmph! I really don't see what could be so wonderful about it. Being 40, single, never married... what is so exciting and "wonderful" about that? Haven't my chances of ever getting married, of finding lasting love, of becoming a "DINK" rather than a "SINK," just dropped dramatically?

According to a Newsweek article mentioned today on CBS news, "Marriage After 40? Not Impossible!"

"The 1986 (Newsweek) article predicted that women after 30 only had a 20 percent chance of getting married. For women over 40, those chances plummeted to 2.6 percent." Excuse me, is that 2.6%??? There seems be good news now, in 2007, for those of us who may still exist and WANT to get married. "So the good news is that for a woman over 40 who is single, she has a 40 percent chance of getting married." OK, 40% still doesn't make me jump for joy, but it certainly is better than the original 2.6%.

My Mom wrote something in my birthday card that I hope is true. She wrote that everything up to now in my life "has just been training," and that my new "journey" into my 40s will be the best part. She has turned out to be right about most things, as I look back at what I should have listened to, and I hope she is right about this.

On to something fun! We celebrated this big birthday last weekend, at The Reef piano bar here in Boulder. I had family, some friends, and some friends / coworkers there to help me celebrate. We all had an amazing time... laughing, singing, drinking, and eating. (See pictures...)

Note: I haven't done the whole drinking alcohol thing in 10 yrs. now, but about a month ago I had some wine at a wine tasting at The Boulderado with K&J, and then at The Reef I drank several gulps from "the fishbowl" drink that was sent to our table (by one of the pianists), and a shot of Yager that a pianist ordered for me... of which I sipped half and gave the other half away. I did catch a buzz and my headache reminded me why I don't drink anymore. hahaha

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Me too...

"I am someone who is looking for love,
real love.
Rediculous, inconvenient, consuming,
can't live without each other love."

Sex and the City

Friday, July 13, 2007

Sooooooo Cute and Cuddly

Here's my most recent photo of Holden (I took new ones of all furkids). Holden is my most mellow and cuddly rattie. I don't think he could be any cuter. He is my little buddy... :)

Tidbit: Holden smells like grape Kool-Aid. haha

Sunday, July 08, 2007


ET: "Hi Mama, what are you doing?"


Friday, July 06, 2007

Caleb's 2nd Place Finish!

Back in May, I entered my Caleb into an "exotic pocket pets" type photo contest, sponsored by Heavenly Heart Gerbilry. (You don't have to be a gerbil to be in the contest... but I believe you do have to be a rodent.)

Caleb came in 2nd place. Woo Hoo!

Thank you to everyone / anyone who voted for him. =D He's just too cute eating his honeydew!