Saturday, September 03, 2005

Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

For nearly a week I've been saturated by images and audio of the horror of what is happening in Louisiana and Mississippi. I can only explain how I feel as being the same as how I felt when the events of 9/11 happened. The difference is... this was a natural disaster, not caused by fucking idiots, other human beings, out to deliberately hurt other people.

I marvel at the fact it took so long for our so-called President, and I use that term very loosely, to show up... and FEMA too. Where was FEMA?? And the images on TV show Mr. Bush hugging the people affected? Do you think he really gives a shit? Why wasn't he there sooner? Was it because of the Governor of Louisiana? Was it because he was on yet another vacation? WHY?

I can only hope that this is a wakeup call for all Americans. And I hope everyone pulls together to help, as much as they can. Americans found a way to help during the Tsunami... they damn well better find a way to help our fellow AMERICANS during this time of desperation!

What a sad and overwhelming time for us all... especially those who have lost EVERYTHING. (Which to many was hardly anything... but at least they HAD a home.)


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