Saturday, May 05, 2007

Dog Walking!

My next door neighbor / friend, Tom, has a dog named Draco. He's a rather large dog... part German Shepard, part I forget. He's getting up there in age, though I cannot recall (geez, am I having memory issues this early in life?) how old he is, but I think it's around 12.

If you know me, you know that I have a severe allergy (asthmatic) to dogs and cats. This REALLY sucks for me, since I'm an animal lover, and I especially love dogs... and my ratties of course, which I'm also severely allergic to (but they are caged and the dander is minimalized, etc.).

I recently asked Tom if it would be alright for me to take Draco for a walk sometimes, and he said YES! For the past week, I've walked Draco almost everyday... either after work (if Tom worked the evening shift), or during my lunch (if Tom worked the day shift).

Tom thinks I'm doing him a favor... I don't think he realizes that he's actually doing ME a favor. With being able to walk with Draco, I am able to spend some quality time with a wonderful dog... petting him, talking to him... and at the same time, we're outside where there's no dander / saliva / dog hair buildup. After our walks, I sit with him on Tom's patio or mine, and Draco and I hang out for a bit. (Draco doesn't usually like to go right back inside, which is clear as he stares at the open door. haha).

After my "Draco time," I must wash my hands really well. If I don't I may get hives, and my eyes will definitely get all red and itchy if I accidentally touch them. And I think the antihistamine that I take daily helps a little as well. :)

The happiness this brings me in indescribable, and I hope Draco enjoys it as well.

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