Egg Nog?
Call me crazy, but, I KNOW that Egg Nog is NOT supposed to look like this when you pour it into a glass!! OK... so I decided to try the lactose free variety and buy soymilk nog. "How bad could it be," I thought. After all, I switched to soy milk (vanilla flavor) a few years ago, and it really wasn't bad at all. (I have since switched to vanilla rice milk, but that's beside the point.)
On the carton is says to "Shake Well." After seeing what looked like a runny version of cottage cheese come out of the carton... whilst my taste buds were oh-so-ready for a large gulp of egg nog... I shook the carton like I've never shaken a carton before. I then repoured and what I got was just a more thickened cottage cheese-like drink. Just watching it pour made my taste buds change their minds and my stomach turn, but I decided to give it a taste. I'm not typically one to beat around the bush, and I won't here. This shit sucks! It doesn't taste, smell, look, or feel ANYTHING like egg nog. I hope my drain likes it, because that's where the entire carton is going.
I'll go out and get the real thing tomorrow. Well, almost... it will be the reduced fat version. :)
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