Thursday, December 14, 2006

Rattie Rescue

Yes, against everything I know about my asthma and my newfound allergies to my beloved rattie friends, and everything my Dr. told me... I'm still becoming part of rescuing a very young female rat at lunch today. (And then there were five...)

I'm uncertain as to her age, though it's VERY young. Apparently the pet store (ACK!) has been told by their Vet that she has a Neurological "issue," and not an ear infection, like originally suspected. She will most likely need some special care, special cage setup, etc., but I can't bear the thought of her eventually being euthanized (due to being at the pet shop for too long, since no one else seems to want her), or to chance her being snake "food" (they're giving her away at no-charge!).

My friend Cindy, who also has a passion for rats, picked her up last night and will hand her over to me at lunch today.

I have already named her "Izzy." Izzy, because I've heard she has a hard time walking in a straight line, so she must be a bit dizzy... Izzy dizzy. I can't wait to see her... I hope I can make her comfortable and give her a happy life for as long as she lives it!


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