Thursday, December 21, 2006

My Neighbor's Murder Monday Night, 12/18/06

I've been debating on how to / whether or not it was appropriate to write this particular blog entry, but I've decided I need to. I woke up early Tues. morning to the horrifying news that a neighbor of mine (he had his business (and his home above it) right behind my condo / carport) was murdered just outside the night before... apparently over his car! (This all happened at 9pm... I arrived home from the pharmacy somewhere between 8:15 and 8:30. Too close for comfort in my eyes...)

Some fucking punks decided to test-drive the Porsche he was selling, and when they returned, decided not to negotiate, but instead to: Rob him, his business, shoot him in the chest, stab him in the back of the neck four times as he lay in the street face down dying from the gunshot, and steal his car. All in the street in front of businesses, and behind where people live. In a location that I have to see everyday... everytime I leave or come home... I will always remember that an acquaintance of mine from the neighborhood was shot and killed there.

I am tormented by the images... the description of what happened, the crime scene tape, the spatters of blood that remained on the front of one of his work trucks that was parked out front, the police officers everywhere all day Tues., the news crews staked out here, etc. Our quiet little neighborhood has become a media circus crime scene. *sigh*

Tuesday morning I bought three long-stemmed roses and went to place them on the still-growing memorial on the step of his business.

Rest in Peace, Sergio. We knew each other in passing, as acquaintances / neighbors. I will always remember your smile, your quiet friendliness, (your amazing physique), and how much you loved your two little dogs. I enjoyed seeing you walking often with them, in the field near your shop. This is the image of you that I will keep with me.

NOTE: Both murder suspects, and an accomplice, have been caught and are now in custody with Police. (One was tracked down in Denver, the other two in Kansas).


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