Thursday, June 21, 2007

Outcast Bird - Take Two

When I checked in on the birdlings before work, the "runt" bird, the smallest of the bunch that had been kicked out at 3 days hold, was seemingly kicked out again today, at 11 days old. Grrrrr Either that, or while moving with his / her siblings from one nest to the other (as they are more mobile now), it got sidetracked and stuck under some of the flower stalks alone... where it couldn't move and wouldn't have been fed.

Once again, I went to extreme measures to get the little bird out from being stuck, and put it into the nest that was currently empty (as everyone else was in the other one). When I came home from work at lunch, I was happy to see that "Fighter" as I've named this bird, was back into the nest with everyone else.

This little bird is still smaller than the rest, but I'm hoping he / she will catch up at some point before they fledge and fly away... and will do just fine. *crossing fingers*


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