Sunday, June 01, 2008

A Compliment!

A short while ago, while sitting in the sun at a local coffee shop (I treated myself to a rare decaf carmel latte), as I was waiting for a friend... a man at the next table started talking to me. "Are you waiting for someone?" "Yes," I replied, "A friend." "A woman friend?" "No, a man friend." He was a quite inquisitive, and then asked if I would mind talking about love and grace until my friend arrived. I told him that I really didn't have much to say, as I was lacking love in my life, and lacking grace too for that matter.

Anyway, we talked for a bit... mostly about books... and my friend showed up.

When I was getting up from the table to leave, this mystery man started talking again. His parting words were several, but what sticks out most in my head (other than, "If you don't want to go to work tomorrow... don't. Find a way to not have to go.") is:

"You grace the sun beautifully."

Let's just say I was shocked, and even though he was a bit... eccentric... his words and the genuine look behind them made my day! People just don't say such things to me. Wow.

Thank you for that, Mystery Man.


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