Wednesday, November 23, 2005


hahaha Today I came up with this great idea... I should re-pierce my belly button! Myself! I haven't had any jewlery in it in about 2 yrs., so I wasn't sure how this would go. I went into my bathroom, got my baggie of body-piercing jewlery that I've accumulated (since my navel and eyebrow have been pierced for many years... about 10 each.). I took the smallest gauge hoop I had and slowly but surely, managed to force it through the old piercing. All that I had to go by was the small dot on the upper part, where the hole once was. I don't have any of the balls that hold the hoop together with tension, so I had to come up with something else to put in the piercing. I chose the next smallest gauge that I had, which was a dumbell that I've had in my eyebrow. This was more difficult, since it's not curved like a hoop (which is what my piercing was done with), and... IT'S FATTER! This hurt a bit more, but I got it in! So, right now I am once again sporting a navel ring, and my eyebrow is currently bare. :(

Time to go clean it... all this writing about it is making it hurt a bit.


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