Friday, March 03, 2006


Why is it that a heartfelt "I'm sorry" is so hard?

Is the need to be right really that important?

If something has been said by "you" and may have been taken the wrong way, WHY can't that be explained MINUS sarcasm or negativity (since someone is probably already feeling like shit!)? And why can't part of this be saying "I'm sorry?" "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings," or, "I'm sorry that you misunderstood what I said... it was meant to be funny," etc. Even if "you" don't understand how or why the other person is upset... if it's seemingly something you said or did, and you're a friend, don't you think saying I'M SORRY is an important thing to do?? And mean it, not just say it?

Why, instead, must there be the sarcasm and hurtful comments that only escalate what has already been said / done?

Maybe it's just me that thinks this way... I wouldn't be surprised.


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