Sunday, February 18, 2007

I Love my Birds too!

I not only have an amazing love and affection for rats, but I also have a special liking for Cockatiels... of which I have three.

Sophie's 9 yrs. old (a grey and yellow speckled Pearl Cockatiel), and her mate Lestat is somewhere around 11 yrs. old (standard yellow-headed Grey Cockatiel ). They both had their physicals yesterday... which included having their nails and wings clipped. Now they can have "free-range" time with me, just like my ratties do. These pictures were taken during their playtime today... partially spent hanging around on my coffee table. I don't know if they enjoyed themselves, being out-and-about, but I had a good time playing with them.

Then there's Phil (white-headed Grey Cockatiel), who is about 7 yrs. old, and he is not at all tame or friendly. He just hangs out in his cage and sings a lot. Then, when I am feeding / watering / cleaning his cage... he hisses at me. Such the charmer. haha He's very pretty, nonetheless. His physical is in a month... should be interesting. I hope Dr. McCluggage doesn't lose a finger or an arm. =-0


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