Animal Updates and More...
Unfortunately, after having Hazel my Hedgehog for a month, I had to return her to the Humane Society. I read books and websites about caring for this little spiny insectivor, and, well, we seem to have been incompatible. Not only did I only see her about once a week for a second, until she hid again, but when I would then get her out for playtime / socializing time (when I knew she was already up), she'd bite me... HARD. Friday night she bit me twice, for no reason at all, and with no warning. When a hedgehog bites, they don't just bite and go away, they bite and hold on for a while while digging into your skin. That was it for me, so I took her back with some sadness yesterday morning. She's obviously had some trauma in her life. I've asked them to make note on her chart that she would be best w/ someone who is experienced at the care of hedgehogs... especially socializing them. I'll miss the cute little girl, but not her attitude and painful bites. I wish you well, Hazel, and hope you find a wonderful home.
And, my nearest, dearest hairless rat ET has been fighting a respiratory infection for about a month now. We are on the 4th different round of medicines... he even had to get a shot yesterday at Dr. Bock's, and have to take him back again tomorrow for another one. :( He's wheezing and having a hard time breathing and it makes me so sad. I'm keeping him in quarantine... either in my room or in the bathroom w/ a vaporizor going to try and help him breath, and along with the antibiotics, he's on the two meds that I am prescribed when I'm having asthma problems. Hopefully they'll help him breathe easier. Please get better ET!!!!
I think I'll go have a bowl of ginger granola and watch some of the Olympics... if they're on.
Happy Sunday.
P.S. I got my hair super-highlighted, brows waxed and a new hairstyle Friday evening. I'm trying to get used to the hairstyle which it is definitely more modern, especially the bangs. Hmmm...
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