Coincidental Illusion?

Labels: Interesting
Labels: Interesting
Yesterday's sunshine was brutal on my fair skin. First thing this morning I'll be going to Walgreen's for some Aloe Vera or some Aveeno Oatmeal mosturizing lotion. My legs and arms also received a burn, but not quite as badly as my neck / upper chest. You know that kind of sunburn where you feel like you're cold, but it's not cold at all? Well, that's how I was yesterday late-afternoon / evening (and still this morning).
I'm thinking that sunscreen is my friend and I should use it.
I wanted to get SOME color, and... I got it. Too bad it's probably just going to peel off, and that's always soooooooo attractive. :-/
Labels: Spring fever, stupidity
Labels: Spring fever
Labels: Spring fever, vehicles
"Is that a prairie dog hole with a doormat," you ask?? Yes, it is!During my walk earlier this evening, I came across this seemingly afluent prairie dog home.
We LOVE our prairie dogs here in Boulder, but I cannot say that I was aware they were being provided with doormats to wipe their little feet on. They may carry disease, but apparently they are clean and tidy. And... CUTE!
This makes me smile!
Labels: Exercise, Spring fever, weight loss
If you know me, you know that... I DON'T COOK. To me, cooking is making macs-n-cheese, or boiling some pasta and adding some cold... canned pasta sauce and calling it good. (Along with eating it right out of the pot I boiled the pasta in.)
One week ago today I started my "diet" of sorts. I am now watching what I eat... low fat, no fat, low calories. Yes, I've "treated myself a couple of times... today with a carmel latte (SKINNY mind you)... but I'm pretty much sticking to it. I went shopping and actually went into the *GASP* produce section. And, as you see in the picture, I bought something... broccoli. I actually bought several things there, with the help of my best friend... since I had to learn how to shop for produce. This trip to the store also resulted in purchasing a vegetable steamer, (for things such as broccoli). What else will I be steaming? I have no clue. Anywho...
I have been eating salads with no-fat dressing, snacking on grapes, eating baked potatoes, and sandwiches with only one piece of cheese (low fat) and no mayo. Tonight was my first night of actual "cooking" though. This is the first full meal I've ever cooked! (The most troubling part was when I almost vomitted when touching the raw chicken and cleaning / cutting off some of the "goo." That is just DISGUSTING! However, since I'm eating chicken again, I think this is something I'll have to get used to. I eventually took control of my gag reflex and got the job done.)
Thanks to my dusty George Foreman grill (a Christmas gift), my new veggie steamer, and Uncle Ben... I was able to successfully put together a tasty meal of chicken with no-fat honey mustard sauce, steamed broccoli with a tiny bit of "Light" butter stuff, and brown rice. No matter how silly it sounds, I'm proud of my accomplishment. I cooked, and I ate every bite!
I'm combining my healthier eating with exercise... and it appears that I've lost 1 or 2 lbs. over the past week... though I cannot be completely certain (my scale is sorta flaky). I hope that with my exercise (mostly walking, a little bike riding), and eating better, that I can lose about 5 lbs. or so around my middle. This is my goal...
Now it's time to go clean up the mess. ACK! It looks as if a tornado went through my kitchen, but I think it was worth it.