Bruises Anyone?
Yesterday I had my annual CT Angiogram, and I have some mighty colorful (and a bit painful) bruises on both inner elbows from IVs. The left arm (bottom pic), the nurse got a vein, not what she needed to get. The right arm (top pic), the CT Tech got what he needed to.
Thankfully, I don't have an issue or fear of needles / shots, even if it pinches a bit. The worst part is always the actual injecting of the contrast into my body (aka iodine).
During and after the test I feel like crap, and for the next 48 hrs. I'm directed to drink lots of fluids to help flush all of that iodine out of my system. Needless to say, I'm still not feeling that great. Tomorrow I should be all good though.
Knocking on wood, crossing my fingers, and everything else one can do for good luck that my aortic aneurysm has not enlarged any. Now I wait...