Rocky Mountain Rat Girl
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
I was talking to my oldest Niece on the phone this morning (she's going to be six in July). She was educating me about planets, and how they can die. I admit, this is something I either didn't know... or didn't retain from school. Anywho... we moved on to the weather, which is what she is also learning about in kindergarten, and her recent "Fun, fun, fun!" field trip to NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research), and suddenly I'm being asked the very difficult and unexpected question:
Friday, March 23, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
RIP Abby (Approx. Feb. 2004 - March 20, 2007)
My oldest, and closest-to-me rattie girl Abby passed away at 7:35 yesterday morning on my lap as I pet her and told her I loved her, after a long illness. She hung in there for about a month longer than I expected.
My heart is broken once again, and it's was very difficult to work yesterday, though I made it there and just shed tears quietly at my desk. I would rather have been at home, looking at her cage, grieving for such a huge loss.
Abby, I'll miss you so, so much. I followed through on my promise and cleaned you up nicely after you passed... before I took you to Dr.Bock's to be held there until I can afford to have you cremated. I also clipped some of your hair to keep at home forever. I will soon start working on plans for the tattoo of you and your best buddy Gwen (already at The Bridge).
Speaking of Gwen, I know you are together again now. I hope you are with CareBear and Peanut as well... running, playing, eating all of your favorite treats. And, the best part... that you are no longer suffering from your frustrating back-end paralysis!
Deep peace my friend. I will love you always and forever. Tell all the others at The Bridge that were also mine that I said hello...
*The picture above of Abby was taken a little over an hour before she passed away. I had placed her in her bed and wrapped her up in an effort to get her warmed up a little, as I got ready for work.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I'm a... July Baby
The War Needs to END!
My friend Caleb is currently on his 2nd Tour of Duty in the Middle East, someplace that I cannot spell or pronounce, in Iraq. I've known him since, well, since he was in the womb... and now he's well into his 20s.
We E-mail when he can, so I know he's OK. I haven't heard back from him in about a month though, which is difficult. I'm not a patient person, but I try to understand that he cannot just send out E-mail whenever he feels like it. He's a medic in a Naval Hospital unit, so I'm sure he stays very busy.
Cabeb, I love you my friend. I think about you all the time and wish you a safe return back to your loved ones in Texas... when the time comes.
I do not support this godforsaken war, and it needs to end. This war is not the answer. At the same time, our soldiers DO have my support until the end.
"President Bush," (and I use the term loosely, hence the quotations), get a clue and pull our troops out of the Middle East. This is not our battle to fight. We need not lose anymore of our soldier's lives! Let's bring them home!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
In Sept. of 2000, I had my Mitral Valve repaired... TWICE! Once on the 21st, and again on the 29th. This was due to having severe MVP (Mitral Valve Prolapse / Regurgitation)... which I was diagnosed with when I was 18 mos. old. Though at that point, and up until about 1999, it was considered to be mild.
Anyway, up until this past Sunday, I have been feeling great... heart-wise. Then, Sunday morning I experienced a scary bout of arrhythmias that passed after a couple / few minutes, but left me scared and feeling very apprehensive. I wasn't doing anything when it occured, just sitting in the car. Then, the same thing happened again on Tues., while sitting at my desk before lunch. Again, I was frightened. WTF is going on???
I called my Cardiologist on Tuesday and yesterday I was hooked up to a 30-day cardiac "event monitor." Whenever I feel any arrhythmias (or palpitations / PVCs), I push a button and it records my heart rhythm. After I have recorded two of these, I then call a toll-free number and transmit my "event" through the telephone. I then start over, and so on.
I must say, I am scared half to death about what is going on, what it may mean. Has my repaired valve failed? Does it need to be fixed again? Is something else wrong? This is my HEART we are talking about here... can't get much more serious that that.
Tomorrow morning I have an echocardiogram scheduled. This test normally doesn't scare me, and it's something I have done yearly. Tomorrow's will be very different.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Loss in the World of Comedy

Thursday, March 08, 2007
Brow Piercing
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Hazel Miller Last Night
Last night, I went with my Mom, and friends-of-the-family (Jim, Wanda, and Lisa) to see Hazel Miller at Nissis in Lafayette. We were fortunate enough to have our table / seats right up front.
Wow! What a great time I had! (Despite the fact I'm fighting coming down with the cold / flu-like illness that EVERYONE I KNOW has these days.)
In typical "Amy fashion," I had blurted out that I'd like her to sing something by Etta James. After she mentioned something about what to sing next of course. She was taken aback by this, and pleasantly surprised. We had a brief exchange back and forth, and she sang one of Etta's songs. It was beautiful, yet one I wasn't all that familiar with. (Turns out she hasn't performed that song in about 10 years, but you wouldn't have known it.)
During Hazel's break, I went to thank her for the song. "You're the little Etta James fan!" She gave me a big hug and we introduced each other. She's so down-to-earth and friendly... like someone you've known for years. We talked for a short while, and she said that she was going to sing another Etta James song for me in her next set, she was going to sing, "At Last," which happens to be my favorite Etta James song... and one I hope to have as my "wedding song..." if I ever get married. It was fun because it was a "dedication" of sorts. She did a wonderful job singing it, and actually made it a bit more her own by stringing it out a bit, etc. At the end she said, "That has got to be the most romantic song ever written." I agree. Though John Denver probably has a couple / few that could also be considered.
I'm looking forward to seeing Hazel sing again in the near future, even if I have to go alone.
*I forgot to bring my camera. All I had was the camera on my phone... so the picture here isn't nearly as good as I wish it was. *sigh*